MCC Facts

How We Impact Lives & Communities

Post-Completion Outcomes

MCC is one of 10 select U.S. community colleges – and the only one in New York state – participating in the 解锁机会:毕业后成功与公平网络 to lead reform efforts in higher education. 参与者专注于改善学生的学习机会、完成学业和完成学业后的成果. The network runs from 2023 through 2028, 与阿斯彭研究所大学卓越计划和社区大学研究中心合作.



NYS Wages 1 Year After MCC Graduation

(annual median)


Certificate holders


All graduates*


Associate degree holders

Sources: SUNY System Administration, NYSDOL

*Graduating classes included: 2014-15 to 2017-18; certificate holders: 418; degree holders: 2,620; percentage working in New York state: 87.4%

Student and teacher at Healthy Hero summer camp

Community Impact


  • Be a Healthy Hero Summer Camp (for Grades 1-12)
  • Liberty Partnerships Program (for Grades 7-12)
  • Science and Technology Entry Program (for Grades 7-12)
  • 升学/升学数学与科学(9-12年级)
  • Greece Early College High School (for Grades 9-12)
  • 罗彻斯特大学国际高中(9-12年级)
  • 技术途径大学早期高中(P-TECH)(9-14年级)
  • MCC之路(非毕业生通过大学学分获得高中同等文凭)




In grant awards 支持MCC的设施和项目,使学生、教职员工受益

Notable Grants

  • 联邦、州和县为应用技术中心扩建提供资金 $54.6 million
  • 美国救援计划法案拨款,扩大和加强执业护士, certified nurse assistant, 与手指湖表演提供者系统合作的家庭健康助理和临床桥梁项目 $5.5 million
  • 扩大中冶光学系统技术项目的联邦拨款(如图) $5.1 million
  • Louis S. and Molly B. 沃尔克基金会为世纪挑战集团市中心校区的医疗保健项目提供实验室空间 $1.25 million

阿曼达·麦金尼斯,被评为2023年Phi Theta Kappa最杰出分会成员的学生
Jasna Bogdanovska, associate professor of photography

Student and Faculty/Staff Honors

  • Two MCC students’ original works won Most Outstanding Paper and Presentation 在2023年大西洋中部两年制大学学生博彩论坛大全灯塔会议上获得各自类别的荣誉:以赛亚·贡萨尔维斯 “日裔美国人的拘留和夏威夷戒严令的宣布:珍珠港事件后种族和战争偏见的影响” (pictured top) and Rebecca Soriano’s 上帝母亲和女性化的基督:圣母和耶稣在中世纪和文艺复兴时期艺术中作为神圣的母亲养育者的表现.”
    索里亚诺的文章也发表在2023年版的 Illuminate东北地区荣誉大会本科生会刊.
  • 中冶男女游泳队和跳水队获2023年全国大专体育协会冠军 team national championships.
  • MCC的荣誉社会分会被评为Phi Theta Kappa的2023之一 Most Distinguished Chapter 学生阿曼达·麦金尼斯(图中)被评为2023年 Most Distinguished Chapter Member regionally and internationally.
  • Sherri Kurtz, 牙科研究项目一年级学生的助理教授和临床协调员, 是2022-23年度全国联盟优秀奖的获得者吗 exceptional teaching and leadership.
  • Jasna Bogdanovska (pictured bottom), associate professor of photography, 是2023年美国社区学院协会(American Association of Community Colleges) Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty 为在课堂内外为学生提供超越一切的支持而感到荣幸.
  • 光学系统技术主席兼教授Alexis Vogt获得了2023年SPIE Maria J. Yzuel Educator Award for her outstanding contributions to optics education.
  • 英语/哲学教授托尼·洛齐的第四本诗集, Fog Notes, was published by Tiger Bark Press in 2023.
  • 约翰·罗德曼,MCC男女游泳队和跳水队助理教练,入选2023年 NJCAA Diving Coach of the Year.
  • Daniel Dubois, adjunct assistant professor and retired MCC head coach, is a 2023 inductee in the NJCAA Swimming & Diving Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Setting High Benchmarks

  • MCC is one of four U.S. schools 于2023年被选中,开发一个旨在弥合种族贫富差距的金融培训项目. (National Council for Workforce Education)
  • MCC is among 75 U.S. institutions selected to participate in the national Truth, Racial Healing & 改革倡议旨在消除高等教育和社区内部的系统性不平等. (American Association of Colleges and Universities)
  • MCC is among a handful of U.S. colleges and universities noted for offering short-term, accelerated training 对于高需求的职业,支付维持家庭的工资. (The Hechinger Report)
  • MCC faculty and staff have received 155 SUNY Chancellor’s Awards recognizing excellence in teaching, faculty service, professional service, librarianship, classified service, and scholarship and creative activities.
  • Graduates of MCC’s clinical laboratory technician, dental hygiene, nursing, 护理人员和放射技术(如图)项目在认证和执照考试中的表现远高于州和全国平均水平, achieving pass rates of 89% or higher in 2021-22.*
  • 博彩网址大全基金会一直名列前茅 top three in overall support, 以及自2017-18年以来纽约州立大学社区学院的无限制和限制性捐赠. (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)

*Latest data available

A diverse group of people seated in a lecture hall

高中生在Forward Center暑期机器人项目中操作FANUC机器人
MCC graduate with her child at 2023 commencement

Inspiring the Way Forward

  • The Finger Lakes Workforce Development Center MCC的市中心校区为五指湖地区的不同居民提供了更多的机会,以获取技术为导向, 面向21世纪经济高需求职业的产业驱动型教育和培训. 快速通道项目使所有年龄段的个人都能获得微证书,并向副学士学位迈进.
    Go online for a list of offerings.
  • 到2024年,世纪挑战集团正在帮助单亲妈妈的学习完成率提高30%. 作为纽约州立大学系统中最顶尖的在线供应商之一,MCC满足了许多人的需求 student-parents 谁更喜欢在线课程和远程访问服务,以更好地平衡学校和家庭/工作责任. 在2023年秋季,MCC为超过1,270名学生家长提供服务.

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