护理 Student Related Policies

MCC 多样性, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

博彩网址大全 expects and upholds equity, 包容, and a sense of belonging in our educational 项目, 政策, 校园生活, 就业, 社区参与. We believe that diversity enriches our lives and leads to understanding and appreciation of our differences and commonalities. In order to achieve academic and institutional 卓越, 我们积极招聘, 参与, 留住学生, 教师, 工作人员, and community partners who represent the diversity of our region, 国家, 和世界.”


博彩网址大全 values community, 包容, 完整性, 卓越, 赋权, 和管理工作.

  • 社区: We believe in meaningful partnerships among students, 的同事们, 部门, 办公室, and divisions within MCC as well as with local, 区域, 国家, 以及全球社区.
  • 包容: We commit to an environment of belonging in which everyone feels safe, 有价值的, and respected by dismantling practices, 政策, and procedures that uphold structural racism and other systemic inequities.
  • 完整性我们相信尊重, 诚实, 真实性, 问责制, 政策中的道德, 行动, 和行为.
  • 卓越:  We encour年龄 innovation, 创造力, 批判性分析, and continuous assessment to improve teaching, 学习, 项目, 服务, 和政策.
  • 赋权:  We support learners and employees on their paths to intellectual, 专业, 个人成长.
  • 管理: We are accountable for the responsible man年龄ment of human, 财政, 物理, and environmental resources and the information entrusted to us.

MCC Notice of Non-Discrimi国家

博彩网址大全 prohibits discrimi国家 based on race, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 怀孕, 家族的地位, gender identity or expression, 年龄, 遗传信息, 国家或民族出身, 物理 or mental disability, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, 家庭暴力, 受害者的地位, 刑事定罪, or any other characteristic or status protected by state or federal laws or College policy in admissions, 就业, and treatment of students and employees, or in any aspect of the business of the College.

Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX and other laws, regulations 和政策 prohibiting discrimi国家 may be directed to MCC’s Civil Rights Compliance Coordinators.


在学术过程中, it is generally assumed that intellectual 诚实 and 完整性 are basic responsibilities of the student. 然而, 教师 members should accept their correlative responsibility to regulate academic work and to conduct exami国家 procedures in such a manner as not to invite violations of academic 诚实. Such violations include but are not limited to cheating and plagiarism.

The 使用 of instructor materials and resources constitutes academic dis诚实 and may be grounds for disciplinary action. The 博彩网址大全 目录/Student Handbook provides the definition of 学术诚实/Dis诚实 and information specific to disciplinary action and procedure for appeal.

Audio/Video Recording Contract 

Student Declaration: Should I choose to audio record classes in my nursing course, I understand it is my responsibility to:

  • operate the recording device
  • turn off recording device while any pre-recorded videos are playing due to copyright regulations.
  • notify 教师 in advance of initiating recording.
  • not share recordings online in any format.

These recordings are to be 使用d solely as an MCC nursing student. Video recording is prohibited.

Confidentiality Agreement for Simulation

As a student in a human patient simulation experience in the Department of 护理学习中心, I understand the significance of confidentiality with respect to information concerning simulated patients and fellow students. I agree to report any violations of confidentiality that I become aware of to my instructor.

I agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All patient information is confidential and any inappropriate viewing, 讨论, or disclosure of this information is a violation of policy.
  • This information is privileged and confidential regardless of format: electronic, 写, 无意中听到或观察到.
  • 我可以看到, 使用, 披露, or copy information only as it relates to the performance of my educational duties.
  • The simulation lab is a 学习 environment. All scenarios, regardless of their outcome, should be treated in a 专业 manner. The 教师 running the scenario should have everyone’s respect and attention. Situations simulated in the lab are to be 使用d as a 学习 tool and not to be 使用d for humiliation of fellow students.
  • The simulation manikins are to be 使用d with respect and be treated as if they were live patients.
  • No Betadine or ink pens near the manikins.