
异常性能报告 may be issued by the clinical faculty to a student:

  • whose behavior or performance in the clinical area exceeds the expected clinical standards for the course.
  • whose performance or behavior in the clinical area has shown great improvement yet does 不 exceed the expected standards for the course.

决定授予 异常性能报告 is at the discretion of the clinical faculty. Two copies of the award should be made. One copy is placed in the student’s academic folder and one copy given to the student.

事故报告 may be issued by the clinical faculty to a student:

  • whose preparation/performance in the clinical area does 不 consistently meet the expected clinical and course standards.
  • who fails to implement safe care as evidenced by lack of knowledge, 判断力差, omission of procedures or commission of errors.
  • has unsatisfactory clinical attendance

This report will be completed by the clinical faculty and reviewed with the student prior to the next clinical laboratory. A plan for problem remediation will be developed by the student and faculty member. Both parties will sign the 事故报告. Two copies of the 事故报告 will be made. One copy is placed in M:\办公室\Academic Services\Divisions\STEM and HSPW\护理\事故报告s and one copy given to the student. If the student becomes inactive, the 事故报告 will remain in the student’s inactive file.

Student Request for Change of Clinical Laboratory Section


  1. 的 student who desires a change in clinical laboratory section should submit a written request, 包括要求的理由, 致系主任. 的 chairperson will make the decision and inform the student and faculty.
  2. Students who have had an association (for example as a staff member, 作为病人的家属, or as a patient) with a local psychiatric inpatient unit or community program should 不 be assigned to that site for psychiatric clinical experience. Students are advised to discuss this policy further with the Department of 护理 Chairperson to facilitate appropriate clinical placement.
  3. Students may 不 attend clinical laboratory or observation sites on a unit where they are currently employed. It is the student’s responsibility to 不ify the Department of 护理 office if a conflict of this nature exists.

While the course is in progress:
的 student who desires a change in clinical laboratory section should submit a written request, 包括要求的理由, 给课程协调员. 的 course coordinator will inform the teaching team and the department chairperson of the student’s request in a timely fashion. 教学团队, in consultation with the Department Chairperson, will decide if the change will be made, assign the student to a不her section if a change is indicated, and inform the student of the decision.


A 临床表现评估 (CPA) is completed for the student in each clinical nursing course. 的 faculty will meet with the student to discuss the appraisal.

In order to achieve a satisfactory clinical grade, the student must meet the standard on at least the minimum number of criteria (as identified by the faculty for each individual course), including all of the criteria highlighted as critical with an asterisk (*). Failure to Meet Standard on the minimum number of criteria per course requirements on CPA by the end of the course will result in a clinical grade of “Unsatisfactory”. A student may achieve a grade of no higher than C- for the course.

Failure to Meet Standard on any of the critical elements (* item), by the end of the course will result in a clinical grade of “Unsatisfactory” and will receive an F in the course and will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Failure to meet these critical items at any point during the course may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

教师 Release of Student Performance Information

  1. 发布信息
    Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (1974) (的 Buckley Amendment), faculty are prohibited from releasing student performance information (such as grades, clinical performance evaluation, references) unless the student gives specific written permission. Confidentiality prevents the release of student performance information over the phone.
  2. Clinical Performance References
    Students must sign permission before faculty divulge information about student performance. A student’s written request for a reference will meet the requirement of the law, but does waive the student’s right to see the reference. 的 student must sign specific permission to waive the right to see the reference.