Naming a Theatre Seat

Celebrate our VaPA students and the new MCC Theatre!

Photo of the MCC theater seats

Educating future communication and performing arts professionals requires facilities and technology that reflect real-life workplaces. MCC’s newly renovated theatre offers an opportunity for alumni, 教师, friends and students to support the Visual and Performing Arts Department (VaPA) by purchasing a personalized nameplate for one of the new theatre seats. In addition to community members seeing your name or your group’s name on a seat, your gift will help the MCC Foundation raise funds, on behalf of VaPA, to update essential technology and equipment in campus art and production studios and computer labs, as well as the Mercer Art Gallery. Personalizing a theatre seat now celebrates both the new theatre and the success of future MCC students.

Name a seat in the new MCC Theatre!

The MCC Foundation is presenting two simple and convenient options for naming your seat in the fabulous new Theatre. Use payroll deduction giving to make your pledge today!

  • Lower level seats: $10.42 per pay period ($10.42 x 48 pay periods = $500)
  • Upper level seats: $7.30 per pay period ($7.30 x 48 pay periods = $350)
  • 年度, semi-annual and quarterly billing is available for those who do not wish to use payroll deduction.

In recognition of your support, a plaque bearing your name, or the name of someone you choose to honor or memorialize, will adorn one of the theatre’s seats for a minimum of 15 years.

Purchase a Theater Seat by Credit Card
Set up Employee Payroll Deduction

Thank you for your generous support

Please provide the requested information so we can process your donation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the MCC Foundation at (585) 685-6020.

Thank You to Current Seat Holders

Dr. & 夫人. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich
Lori B. Bartkovich ‘00
约翰 & Jacqueline Bartolotta
G. Christopher Belle-Isle '68
Frances Jane Bovee
Ebony Caldwell
Michael Carroll
Ms. Antonia Custodio '99
Patricia Dano '89
理查德。 & 希拉八
凯瑟琳·P. 道格拉斯
Charlotte '81 & Dover Downing
Dr. Lawrence and Paula Dugan
夫人. 珍妮Eckl
拉里69 & Marcia Faulkner
Mr. & 夫人. 安东尼J. Felicetti
托马斯。 & 凯特·弗林
Bev French Taylor
Friends of Diane Fitton
加里·C. Graziano
The 绿色 Family
特拉维斯T. 绿色
Edward Grissing Jr.
伊丽莎白一个. Gunter 04年
Ms. Peggy Harvey-Lee
劳埃德一. 福尔摩斯
Kress-Davis Family
Dr. 芭芭拉 & 约翰 Lovenheim
Larry Mandelker

Kimberly McKinsey-Mabry '95
弗兰克 & Alrun Milligan
雷蒙娜C. 摩尔
凯伦L. 莫里斯先生.
Diane Navarro
Mr. 格雷戈里·C. Nickason
Jodi Oriel '93
Mr. 斯蒂芬·T. 帕默97
约翰 Perrone '70
Elizabeth Ripton
内森 & Susan Robfogel
Lauren and Mark Sample
Christyn Sanagursky
Mr. 安德鲁·D. 锋利的04
黛安·L. 摇摆 & 盖米. Coughlin
希西家N. 席梦思床品公司
Dr. Peter A Spina
Ms. 丽塔T. Straubhaar
Ms. 珍妮特米. Waasdorp 75
Dr. 安德里亚·C. 韦德
Rochelle Watson
Peggy Weston Byrd & 拉尔夫·伯德
迪克西维. 惠特尼
Dr. 金伯利D. 91年威利斯
艾琳•米. Wirley
Dr. Alice Holloway Young
詹姆斯 & Dolores Ziobro
Anonymous (2)